A dictionary is a data type in Python that stores data as key-value pairs. Unlike lists, dictionaries use unique keys to access values instead of indices. Dictionaries can be created using the dict()
constructor or curly braces {}
Characteristics of Dictionaries
- A dictionary is an unordered set of key-value pairs.
- Keys are unique and must be immutable (e.g., strings, numbers, tuples).
- Values are mutable and can be of any data type.
- Dictionaries are stored internally as mappings.
Examples of Dictionaries
# Creating a dictionary with student names as keys and marks as values
student = {'Raghav': 89, 'Nitya': 91, 'Asif': 88}
# Output: {'Raghav': 89, 'Nitya': 91, 'Asif': 88}
# Creating an empty dictionary
dict_marks = {}
# Or
dict_marks = dict()
# Creating a nested dictionary
student = {'Raghav': {'Eng': 78, 'Maths': 87}, 'Nitya': {'Eng': 78, 'Maths': 87}}
# Output: {'Raghav': {'Eng': 78, 'Maths': 87}, 'Nitya': {'Eng': 78, 'Maths': 87}}
Working with Dictionaries
1. Accessing a Value
Values in a dictionary are accessed using their corresponding keys.
student = {'Raghav': 89, 'Nitya': 91, 'Asif': 88}
print(student['Raghav']) # Output: 89
2. Accessing Keys
The keys()
function retrieves all keys from the dictionary.
print(student.keys()) # Output: dict_keys(['Raghav', 'Nitya', 'Asif'])
3. Accessing Values
The values()
function retrieves all values from the dictionary.
print(student.values()) # Output: dict_values([89, 91, 88])
4. Accessing Items
The items()
function retrieves all key-value pairs as tuples.
# Output: dict_items([('Raghav', 89), ('Nitya', 91), ('Asif', 88)])
5. Membership
The in
and not in
operators check if a key exists in the dictionary.
print('Nitya' in student) # Output: True
print('Pihu' not in student) # Output: True
6. Traversing a Dictionary
Traversing a dictionary means iterating over its key-value pairs.
Method 1:
for key in student:
print(f"Key= {key} and Value= {student[key]}")
# Output:
# Key= Raghav and Value= 89
# Key= Nitya and Value= 91
# Key= Asif and Value= 88
Method 2:
for key, value in student.items():
print(f"Key= {key} and Value= {value}")
# Output:
# Key= Raghav and Value= 89
# Key= Nitya and Value= 91
# Key= Asif and Value= 88
7. Adding a New Element
New elements can be added to a dictionary using the assignment operator =
student['Pihu'] = 90
# Output: {'Raghav': 89, 'Nitya': 91, 'Asif': 88, 'Pihu': 90}
8. Updating an Existing Element
If a key already exists, its value can be updated.
student['Pihu'] = 94
# Output: {'Raghav': 89, 'Nitya': 91, 'Asif': 88, 'Pihu': 94}
9. Deleting an Element
Use the del
statement to remove a key-value pair.
del student['Asif']
# Output: {'Raghav': 89, 'Nitya': 91}
Note: If a non-existing key is passed, it raises a
Key Notes:
- Keys must be unique and immutable.
- Values can be mutable and of any data type.
- Dictionaries are mutable and efficient for lookups.
Try It Yourself
Problem 1: Add and Update a Dictionary
Write a program to create a dictionary of 3 friends’ names and their ages. Add a new friend and update the age of one existing friend.
Show Code
# Creating a dictionary
friends = {'Alice': 25, 'Bob': 27, 'Charlie': 22}
# Adding a new friend
friends['Diana'] = 24
# Updating an existing friend's age
friends['Alice'] = 26
# Output: {'Alice': 26, 'Bob': 27, 'Charlie': 22, 'Diana': 24}
Problem 2: Count Occurrences of Characters
Write a program to count the occurrences of each character in a given string and store the result in a dictionary.
Show Code
text = "hello world"
char_count = {}
for char in text:
if char in char_count:
char_count[char] += 1
char_count[char] = 1
# Output: {'h': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 3, 'o': 2, ' ': 1, 'w': 1, 'r': 1, 'd': 1}