PythonDefining Functions

Understanding def Statements in Python

The def statement in Python is used to define a function, which is a block of reusable code designed to perform a specific task. Functions make programs more modular, reusable, and easier to understand.

Why Use Functions?

Functions help:

  • Avoid repeating code (reduces redundancy).
  • Break a program into smaller, manageable parts.
  • Make the code reusable and efficient.

Real-Life Example:

Think of a washing machine: You load the clothes, select the mode, and press start. The machine performs its task (washing) and stops when done. Similarly, in programming, you call a function to perform a specific task.

Syntax of def

def function_name(parameters):
    """Optional docstring: Describe the function"""
    # Code block
    return result  # Optional


  1. def: Keyword to define a function.
  2. function_name: Name of the function (should follow variable naming conventions).
  3. parameters: Optional input values to the function (inside parentheses).
  4. :: Indicates the start of the function body.
  5. Function Body: Indented block containing the code to execute.
  6. return: Optional statement to send the result back to the caller.

Example: Simple Greeting Function

def greet():
    """This function prints a greeting message."""
    print("Hello! Welcome to PythonForAll.")

How to Call a Function

greet()  # Output: Hello! Welcome to PythonForAll.

Adding Parameters

Functions can take inputs (parameters) to perform operations dynamically.

Example: Greeting a User

def greet_user(name):
    """This function greets the user by name."""
    print(f"Hello, {name}! Welcome to PythonForAll.")
greet_user("Rhea")  # Output: Hello, Rhea! Welcome to PythonForAll.

Returning Values

Functions can return results using the return statement.

Example: Add Two Numbers

def add_numbers(a, b):
    """This function returns the sum of two numbers."""
    return a + b
result = add_numbers(5, 7)
print("Sum:", result)  # Output: Sum: 12

Default Parameters

Default parameters allow you to specify a default value for a function argument.

Example: Default Greeting

def greet_user(name="Guest"):
    """This function greets the user by name, or uses 'Guest' as default."""
    print(f"Hello, {name}! Welcome to PythonForAll.")
greet_user()          # Output: Hello, Guest! Welcome to PythonForAll.
greet_user("Nitya")   # Output: Hello, Nitya! Welcome to PythonForAll.

Using Multiple Parameters

A function can accept multiple parameters separated by commas.

Example: Calculating Area

def calculate_area(length, width):
    """This function calculates the area of a rectangle."""
    return length * width
area = calculate_area(5, 3)
print("Area:", area)  # Output: Area: 15

Functions with No Return

Some functions perform tasks without returning a value (e.g., printing messages).

Example: Logging

def log_message(message):
    """This function logs a message."""
    print(f"Log: {message}")
log_message("Function executed successfully!")

def with Loops and Conditional Statements

You can use loops and conditions inside functions to handle complex logic.

Example: Check Even or Odd

def check_even_odd(number):
    """This function checks if a number is even or odd."""
    if number % 2 == 0:
        return "Even"
        return "Odd"
print(check_even_odd(10))  # Output: Even
print(check_even_odd(7))   # Output: Odd

Advanced: Functions with Variable Arguments

Example: Sum of Multiple Numbers

def sum_numbers(*args):
    """This function calculates the sum of multiple numbers."""
    return sum(args)
print(sum_numbers(1, 2, 3, 4))  # Output: 10

Scope of Variables

Variables inside a function are local to that function unless explicitly declared global.

Example: Local and Global Variables

x = 10  # Global variable
def multiply_by_two():
    """This function multiplies the global variable by 2."""
    global x
    x *= 2
print("Global x:", x)  # Output: Global x: 20

Key Takeaways

  • The def statement is essential for defining reusable functions.
  • Use parameters for flexibility and return for results.
  • Functions help make code modular and easy to debug.

Try It Yourself

Problem 1: Create a Function to Find Factorial

Write a function to calculate the factorial of a given number.

Show Code
def factorial(n):
    """This function calculates the factorial of a number."""
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)
print(factorial(5))  # Output: 120

Problem 2: Function to Find the Largest Number

Write a function that accepts three numbers and returns the largest.

Show Code
def find_largest(a, b, c):
    """This function returns the largest of three numbers."""
    return max(a, b, c)
print(find_largest(5, 10, 7))  # Output: 10

Problem 3: Function with Default and Variable Arguments

Write a function that takes a name and an optional list of hobbies to display a greeting.

Show Code
def greet_person(name="Guest", *hobbies):
    """This function greets a person and lists their hobbies."""
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")
    if hobbies:
        print("Your hobbies are:", ", ".join(hobbies))
        print("You didn't share your hobbies.")
greet_person("Raghav", "Reading", "Coding", "Traveling")


Play with Python!
