PythonPython Control StructuresFlow of control

Flow of Control in Python

Flow of control refers to the order in which individual statements, instructions, or functions are executed in a program. Python provides three basic types of control structures to determine the flow of execution: Sequential, Conditional, and Iterative.

1. Sequential Flow

Sequential flow is the default mode of execution in Python, where statements are executed one after another in the order they appear.


  • No decision-making or repetition.
  • Each statement runs exactly once.


# Sequential Execution
print("Step 1: Start")
print("Step 2: Process")
print("Step 3: End")


Sequential Flowchart

2. Conditional Flow

Conditional flow allows decision-making in a program. The flow of execution depends on whether a specified condition evaluates to True or False.

Types of Conditional Statements:

  1. if Statement: Executes a block of code if the condition is true.
  2. if-else Statement: Executes one block if the condition is true, another if it is false.
  3. if-elif-else Statement: Tests multiple conditions.


# Conditional Flow
marks = 85
if marks >= 90:
    print("Grade: A+")
elif marks >= 75:
    print("Grade: A")
    print("Grade: B")


Conditional Flowchart

3. Iterative Flow (Loops)

Iteration allows the repetition of a block of code multiple times, as long as a specified condition holds true. Python supports two main types of loops:

  1. for Loop: Used to iterate over a sequence (like a list or string).
  2. while Loop: Repeats as long as a condition is true.


# Iterative Flow using a while loop
counter = 1
while counter <= 5:
    print("Count:", counter)
    counter += 1


Iterative Flowchart

Combining All Flows

In real-world scenarios, programs often combine all three types of control flows:

  • Sequential: For regular steps like initialization and cleanup.
  • Conditional: For decision-making based on user inputs or results.
  • Iteration: For repetitive tasks like processing data.


# Combining Sequential, Conditional, and Iterative Flows
print("Welcome to PythonForAll")
marks = int(input("Enter your marks: "))
if marks >= 50:
    print("You passed")
    for i in range(3):
    print("Better luck next time")

Summary of Flow of Control

SequentialStatements executed one after another.print("Hello") followed by print("Bye")
ConditionalExecutes code based on conditions.if x > 0: print("Positive")
IterativeRepeats code multiple times.for i in range(5): print(i)