Python ModulesMath Tutorial

Math Module in Python

The math module in Python provides a wide range of mathematical functions to perform operations like trigonometry, logarithms, and constants.


The math module is built into Python, so no installation is required. It is ready to use right after importing.


No additional configuration is needed for the math module.

Import Statements

You can import the entire math module or specific functions as needed.

# Import the entire math module
import math
# Import specific functions
from math import sqrt, pi

Basic Usage

The math module provides access to mathematical constants and functions.


import math
# Accessing constants
print(math.pi)  # Output: 3.141592653589793
print(math.e)   # Output: 2.718281828459045
# Using basic functions
print(math.sqrt(16))  # Output: 4.0
print(math.factorial(5))  # Output: 120

sqrt(x)Returns the square root of x.math.sqrt(25)5.0
factorial(x)Returns the factorial of x.math.factorial(5)120
pow(x, y)Returns x raised to the power y.math.pow(2, 3)8.0
ceil(x)Rounds up to the nearest integer.math.ceil(4.2)5
floor(x)Rounds down to the nearest integer.math.floor(4.7)4
log(x, base)Returns the logarithm of x to base.math.log(100, 10)2.0
sin(x)Returns the sine of x in radians.math.sin(math.pi/2)1.0
cos(x)Returns the cosine of x in radians.math.cos(0)1.0

Niche Usage

The math module provides advanced functions for specific use cases:

1. Convert Degrees to Radians and Vice Versa

import math
# Degrees to Radians
angle_in_radians = math.radians(90)
print(angle_in_radians)  # Output: 1.5707963267948966
# Radians to Degrees
angle_in_degrees = math.degrees(math.pi)
print(angle_in_degrees)  # Output: 180.0

2. Using Constants

import math
# Using Pi and Euler's number
circumference = 2 * math.pi * 7  # Circle with radius 7
print(circumference)  # Output: 43.982297150257104


Example 1: Calculate the Hypotenuse of a Right Triangle

import math
# Calculate the hypotenuse
base = 3
perpendicular = 4
hypotenuse = math.sqrt(base**2 + perpendicular**2)
print("Hypotenuse:", hypotenuse)  # Output: Hypotenuse: 5.0

Example 2: Find the Area of a Circle

import math
# Area of a circle
radius = 7
area = math.pi * math.pow(radius, 2)
print("Area of the circle:", area)  # Output: Area of the circle: 153.93804002589985

Example 3: Find Logarithms

import math
# Logarithms
print("Natural log of 10:", math.log(10))        # Output: 2.302585092994046
print("Log base 10 of 100:", math.log(100, 10))  # Output: 2.0

Example 4: Trigonometric Functions

import math
# Trigonometric values
angle = math.pi / 4  # 45 degrees in radians
print("sin(45°):", math.sin(angle))  # Output: 0.7071067811865475
print("cos(45°):", math.cos(angle))  # Output: 0.7071067811865476

Example 5: Round Numbers

import math
# Rounding numbers
number = 4.567
print("Ceil:", math.ceil(number))    # Output: 5
print("Floor:", math.floor(number))  # Output: 4


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