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Python provides a variety of options for GUI development (Graphical User Interface). Tkinter is the approach used the most frequently among all GUI approaches. It is a typical Python interface for the Python-supplied Tk GUI toolkit. The fastest and simplest way to create GUI applications is with Python and Tkinter. Tkinter makes building a GUI a simple process. 

For installing Tkinter Module :

Use "pip install tkinter"  

For importing Tkinter Module :

Use "import tkinter as tk"

Tkinter Basics

Creating Window

For making any GUI Interface the 1st Basic Step is to create a Window :

Syntax :  window = tk.Tk()  


  • To Name your window

>> window.title("Tkinter Window Demo")   

  • To Give size to your window (200= width ,300= height)("+100" is used to change the position of window on Y-Axis & "+500" for X-Axis) 

>> window.geometry("200x300+100+500")

  • To Make User unable to resize the window  

>> window.resizable(False, False)

  • To Make the window run in a loop so that it wont get closed

>> window.mainloop()

  • To Make the window run for limited time (5000= 5 Seconds/5000 Milliseconds) 

>> window.after( 5000, window.destroy ) 

Adding Widgets 

After creating a window, The next step is to add widgets to your window which improves the  functionality of your GUI Program.

There are many Widgets that are provided by Tkinter :-


Tkinter Frame widget is a container that holds other Tkinter widgets like Label, Entry, Listbox, etc.

Syntax : frm1=Frame(parentwindow, parameters)


Example :-



Tkinter Label widget is just like a text box, we can use it as a container to place text or images.

Syntax : lbl1=Label(parentwindow, parameters)

Example :-



Tkinter Canvas widget lets us draw figures or shapes as the name suggests,  we can use it as a sketchpad.

Syntax : Cvs1=Canvas(parentwindow, parameters)

Example :-



Tkinter Entry widget is similar to the Input function of Core Python, we can use it to let the user enter any string/int/float value.

Syntax : Ent1=Entry(parentwindow, parameters)

Example :-


Tkinter Button widget is same as the name suggests a button which can be given a command to perform when pressed.

Syntax : Btn1=Button(parentwindow, parameters)

Example :-


Tkinter Menu widget is an OptionMenu which have options like Save , New , Open , Save as.. , etc. 

Syntax : Men1=Menu(parentwindow, parameters)


Tkinter TopLevel is a widget used to make a New Window aside from the Parent Window.

Syntax : NewWin=Toplevel(parameters)


Tkinter Messagebox is a widget used to generate & display a message box on a particular command.

Syntax : messagebox.Function_Name(title, message , parameters)

For further information, please read the official document of Tkinter Module. Click Here!

Placing Widgets 

After creating a widget, The next step is to place widgets to your window which helps to display the widgets properly in your GUI Program.

There are 3 Ways to place your Widgets that are provided by Tkinter :-


Pack is the easiest layout manager to use with Tkinter , Instead of declaring the precise location of a widget, pack() declares the positioning of widgets in relation to each other. However, pack() is limited in precision compared to place() and grid() which feature absolute positioning.

Syntax : widget_name.pack(parameters)


place() lets you position a widget either with absolute x,y  coordinates, or relative to another widget. 

Syntax :


grid() positions widgets in a two dimensional grid of rows and columns similar to a dataframe.

Syntax : widget_name.grid(parameters)

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