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String is a collection of characters. Strings can be created by enclosing characters inside a single quote or double-quotes. Even triple quotes can be used in Python but generally used to represent multiline strings 

Python does not have a character data type, a single character is simply a string with a length of 1.

Accessing Characters in a String

As we know, string is a collection of characters and individual character can be accessed by its position called index. Square brackets can be used to access elements of the string. The index of the first character (from left) in the string is 0 and the last character is n-1 where n is the length of the string.


Square brackets can be used to access elements of the string. If we give index value out of this range then we get an Index Error. The index must be an integer (positive, zero or negative).



>>> String1[3]                                     >>>String1[-3]

'H' #returns index 3 position                  'A'  #value returned using backward indexing


Concatenation means to join two values. In Python, + symbol is used to concatenate the strings.
>>>msg="Hello "
'Hello Rhea' 
#concatenated string 

Repetition / Replication

Replication can be performed by using * operator between the string. It will repeat the string n times, where n is the integer provided.


At times, we need to extract a subpart from the string and this process is called slicing. Slicing operation will return few characters extracted from the main string on the basis of provided index values.

#Returns string from index position 0 to 5(6-1) 

Note: Forward indexing and back indexing, both can be used  



'ForA'  #Returns string from index position -6 to -3 


Note: Step value can also be provided, if we can to skip some characters in between in uniform order.  



''yhno''  #Returns string from index position 1 to 7 by skipping to every 2nd position 



'llAroFnohtyP'  #Returns string in reverse order

Hopefully, concept of slicing is clear. Practice with more variations in Do It Yourself section. 


In Python, in and not in are two membership operators to find the appearance of a substring inside the string. If substring is found then, in operator returns True else it returns False. not in works exactly opposite of in operator.
>>>on in name
#returns True as 'on' is there in the string 


>>>All not in name

True  #returns True as 'on' is there in the string 

String Functions

Python is loaded with various functions which can be used to manipulate the string values. List of commonly used string functions are given below:

Let us understand the concept by studying few examples

Example 1: To create a menu based program with 3 options:

        1. Input a string and obtain a new string by converting the inputted string into an uppercase. 

        2. Input a string and obtain a new string by converting the inputted string into an lowercase. 



string ex1.PNG

Example 2: Input string and obtain a new string by toggling the characters of the inputted string; display the new string.



Example 3: Input a string; check whether the inputted string is Palindrome or not (without using slice)



string ex2.PNG
string ex3.PNG
Try It Yourself

Try It Yourself

Problem Statement 1 -  Input a string and find out the number of vowels in that string.

Problem Statement 2 -  Input a string, and find out number of characters and digits in it.



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